購買的[106美國直購] Philips HX9033/64 原廠 替換牙刷頭3入 Sonicare ProResults Gum Health replacement toothbrush heads在這也買的到~而且在這
Genuine Philips Sonicare rechargeable electric toothbrush head
Compatible with snap on Philips handles: DiamondClean, Flexcare, HealthyWhite, 3 Series Gum Health, 2 Series Plaque Control, and Essence+ handles
#1 Recommended power toothbrush brand by Dental Professionals
Improves gum health up to 100% verses a manual toothbrush
Gently removes up to 6x more plaque along the gumline than a manual toothb優惠專區rush
Philips Sonicare ProResults Gum Health Brush Heads
With gum care design, the Philips Sonicare ProResults gum health brush head is proven to improve gum health up to 100% better than a manual toothbrush. The convex trim profile of this Philips Sonicare brush head was specifically designed to offer a gentle, even clean along the gum line.
The Philips Sonicare Gum Health brush head is designed to work with multiple Philips Sonicare snap-on handles. These replacement brush heads improves gum health up to 100% vs. a manual toothbrush. Reminder bristles fade to let you know when it's time for replacement. Replace your brush head every 3 months as recommended by the American Dental Association. A fresh brush head every 3 months maximizes the effectiveness of Philips’ unique Sonicare technology.
Size: 3 Count
Style Name: Gum Health-Standard Packaging
Product Dimensions: 0.4 x 0.4 x 2.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 0.8 ounces、
UPC: 885376927881 885376810787 075020041227
Item model number: HX9033/64
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